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Inspired Journey Coaching

Illuminate Your Path through Nurturing Your Intuition

As a women’s growth coach specializing in career and personal development, I offer a unique approach that blends intuitive insights, Western therapy practices, and astrology to help you unlock your true potential and navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

Together, we’ll explore your innermost desires, uncover hidden strengths, and chart a course toward fulfillment and success in your professional and personal endeavors.

Whether seeking clarity in your career path, striving for work-life balance, or craving deeper self-understanding, my coaching framework empowers you to thrive authentically and unapologetically.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and unleash the extraordinary woman within!

Intuition Building

Cultivate a deep trust in your inner wisdom for confident decision-making. Unlock access to your innate knowledge, guiding you toward authentic choices in your professional and personal life.

Career Empowerment

Unlock your career potential through understanding your personal, astrological blueprint. Then explore your passions and soul callings to find the path to your most fulfilling future.

Personal Development

Foster a strong sense of self-love and healthy boundaries, unraveling past patterns to pave the way for your brightest future. Embark on a journey beyond patriarchal achievement toward personal fulfillment.

Wellness & Self-Care

Balance work and life with stress management, mindfulness, and health habits. Prioritize well-being to sustain your ambitions and improve your holistic life experience.

My Story

Hello, I'm Stepheni Mendez.

I’m the heart and soul behind Inspired Journey Coaching. My career as a woman of color in the tech industry has been challenging and illuminating. While rising through various roles, from product design to people management, my path has been paved with moments of triumph and many trials. Along the way, I discovered my superpowers—leading with empathy, intuitively sensing others’ strengths, and asking important questions to uncover more profound meaning. For me, life is not about climbing the corporate ladder but finding a deeper connection to my work and the people I am on this earth to uplift.

Embarking on a quest for personal and professional growth led me to explore the realms of astrology, numerology, divination, and meditation. Once sidelines in my life, these practices became integral to understanding my patterns, strengths, and the unique challenges faced by women today. Inspired Journey Coaching was born from a desire to blend these insights with my design, psychology, and counseling educational background, offering a holistic approach to personal empowerment. It’s more than just coaching; it’s about creating a space where women can thrive, armed with self-love, firm boundaries, and an unwavering belief in their inner wisdom. 

My story is one of transformation; I aim to guide others on their journey to their fulfilled and empowered future through coaching.